- 1876 Born in Germany, Rhineland
- 1964 Died
- 1901-1902 Dresden, Painting
- 2002 Deutsche Vintage Fotografie, Galerie Priska
Pasquer, Koln Marke und Mazen,
Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum, Bremen
- 1999 Robert Mann Gallery, New York
- 1997 Kunstraum Neue Kunst, Hanover
- 1995 raum 1 / SK Stiftung Kultur, Cologne
- 2002 "People of the 20th Century",
Harry N Abrams
- 1999 "August Sander: 1876-1964", TASCHEN
- 1980 "Citizens of the Twentieth Century
- 1973 "Men without Masks: Faces of Germany,
1910?1938", Little Brown & Co
- 1929 "Face of Our Time", Schirmer/Mosel
Verlag GmbH